Friday, November 9, 2007

Bye Buy Love

It's not's me...well is you.

NOVEMBER 2007- Ah, love, isn’t it wonderful… “We need to talk.” “I need some space.” “I think we should just be friends.” “It’s not you, it’s me.” After hearing one of the many cliché breakup lines, keep in mind…even though it might be you, you’re not alone. We have all been there before.

There's the heartbreaker and the heartbroken. You're either one or the other... and if you've been around the block long enough, you’ve probably been both. So for all of you heartbreakers or heartachers, all you lovebirds or lovesick puppies, welcome to the new and improved is the brainchild of the former heartacher,Joshua Opperman, who started this innovative auction website to fulfill the needs of an untapped niche of people. We all know the old saying,”Misery loves company” well, what better way to pull yourself out of your misery than commiserate with others that understand what you are going through.

This jilted lover’s e-bay for engagement rings has expanded into a rapidly growing successful website and is about to become a large social network by creating a site for their users to engage, identify and communicate.

So turn off “The Notebook” and stop listening to Air Supply’s “Making love out of nothing at all” on full volume, your neighbors don’t appreciate it and either do your ear drums. And even if you are not ready to get out of your pjs or get out of bed there’s still a place to go…IDONOWIDONT will provide an outlet for you to share your relationship disasters or successes, vent about your ex’s or rave about your newly single sex life, help with the decision to breakup or makeup and even provide tips on surviving a breakup or tips to do the breaking up. It’s a place to let it all out and get it off your chest.

So whether you are in the first stages of grief or finally reached the stage of acceptance, you will have someone to relate to. This site has it all. And who knows what could happen from two scorned lovers uniting…you may find yourself saying,"I Do!"

Check out the new The next love of your life could just be a click away.